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Protecting against animal biosecurity risks: the state of Canada's preparedness

Over the course of this study the Committee heard from primary producers and others involved in the Canadian livestock chain on the biosecurity challenges confronting their sector and their readiness to face animal disease outbreaks. While they described extensive efforts undertaken at the farm and industry-wide levels to prepare for such outbreaks, they nonetheless encouraged continued vigilance from the federal government in this area. The Committee also heard from representatives of veterinarians and animal vaccine developers who outlined difficulties their sectors face in helping producers and others ensure they can care for their animals effectively. The federal government has significant roles to play in helping to address the nationwide shortage of veterinarians, notably by helping new Canadians with foreign credentials enter practice quickly. The federal government should also ensure veterinarians have a full arsenal of vaccines and other health products available to treat animal disease outbreaks, notably by making the regulatory approval process for these products more efficient.