Western Canadian Animal Health Network News

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HPAI in U.S. goats March 2024

USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories confirmed highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in neonatal goat kids that demonstrated neurologic signs from a Minnesota backyard premises recently affected with HPAI. The goats on the premises shared the same pasture and sole water source with infected ducks and chickens. The goats began to kid only days after the birds were depopulated. Of 10 goat kids that have died, ranging from 5 days to 9 days of age, five goat kids between 7 and 9 days of age have tested positive on brain and other tissues for H5N1 clade virus. Whole genome sequence data available to date from the chickens, ducks, and the first goat kid tested share high identity, and are Eurasian/North American reassortant genotype B3.6 (GenoFlu https://github.com/USDA-VS/GenoFLU)