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Recent animal health issues and case reports

Recent animal health issues and case reports

Vesicular Stomatitis Outbreak in the U.S. Summer 2023

Vesicular Stomatitis has been detected in California horses. 

Overview of disease in horses from the American Association of Veterinary Practitioners (AAEP) LINK

California Department of Food and Agriculture Vesicular Stomatitis Webpage LINK

Equine Disease Communication Center Vesicular Stomatitis Webpage LINK

USEF Licensed Competition Vesicular Stomatitis Biosecurity Requirements LINK

Foot Lameness in Beef Cattle Associated with Ergot Toxicity

Foot lameness with hoof separation has been reported in feeder cattle and cows during the winter of 2023, associated with ergot toxicity.
image calves

Neonatal beef calf liver disease 2022

In the spring of 2022 a series of cases (N = 20) of rapidly fatal disease in neonatal beef calves were identified, with severe liver disease being the major cause of death. This unusual problem continues to be studied with both infectious (e.g. virus) and toxic (e.g. poison from moldy feed/toxic plants) causes being investigated.
Image cow

Pneumonia in western Canadian cows 2021- 2022

During the fall of 2021, both dairy and beef herds in western Canada reported herd problems associated with Mannheimia haemolytica pneumonia in cows.

Bovine congestive heart failure

A group of feedlot heifers developed swelling in the brisket and belly.

Streptococcus plurianimalium

Streptococcus pluranimalium is a member of the Streptococcus genus isolated from multiple different animal hosts. It has been identified as a pathogen associated with mastitis, endocarditis and septicaemia in animals. 

WeCAHN Beef Network: Here’s what we’re watching for

In fall 2021 the network discussed which topics were most important for WeCAHN to study. The highest ranked topic was ‘emerging disease,’ with trends in pre-weaning bovine respiratory disease, trends in calf diarrhea, trends in Johne’s disease, and trends in bovine antimicrobial resistance also highly ranked.